
創立於 1945 年,最初為一專業的 MIG/TIG 銲槍製造廠。其後,配合自動化生產,推出了機器人專用銲槍,於 1980 更推出了電離子切割槍。

60 年來,專心致力於銲接與切割產業,以穩定的品質行銷全球。


自動化專用 MIG 槍 ABIMIG® SpinArc®


可應用於厚板 (20mm) 的窄縫銲接,減少銲接前的準備工作,銲線融填降低,減少熱入力,縮短工時並提高產能。

Robot Power Source iROB

With the robot power source iROB it is easier than ever before to set up an all-round perfect automated welding system.
Communication between the robot and power source is possible with either digital fieldbus versions or classical analogue/digital versions.

The iROB's pulse welding technology has an especially compact design so that it can still fit into the smallest robot welding cell. Integrated process monitoring leads to a reliable welding result.

Our complete equipment packages, from the power source through assembly material to the welding torch, not only simplify configuration and integration, they make it a worthwhile investment as well.
