
2023/04/25 News

Mechanized seam tracker


The ProArc ST-150 is a efficient mechanized welding seam tracker that can be easily integrated into welding equipment. This device accurately locates welding seams and adjusts the movement of the welding torch accordingly, ensuring precise and consistent welds.  It can be used with various welding processes, including TIG, MIG, and plasma welding, and is particularly suitable for large workpieces.

One of the major benefits of this device is its ability to ensure consistent weld quality throughout the welding process. Ensures the welding arc remains stable and consistent throughout the welding process. This results in a more precise and consistent weld penetration, which improves the overall quality of the weld. Resulting in fewer defects and a more reliable finished product.

This device is a valuable tool for welding engineers and professionals looking to improve welding process and ensure high-quality, efficient results.

Please see the video on ProArc youtube:

For more information please contact us by e-mail:




